UEVH is the Union of European Veterinary Hygienists
The first General Assembly of UEVH was held on the 1st July 1967 in Geneva.
During 1976, the Association changed its statutes in order to become eligible for membership of the Federation of Veterinarians of Europe and adopted its current name.
UEVH represents veterinarians working in veterinary public health, having a key role in protecting public and animal health and welfare.
Today UEVH has 21 members and two observers.
Our mission
Our vision
Ensuring the health for animals & humans
We live in a rapidly changing world where many people and animals are living closely together and can travel rapidly between countries and continents. Veterinarians, united in UEVH, are at the centre of this world and guard and protect the well-being and welfare of humans and animals. This is achieved by ensuring the safe production of food and feed, and preventing or containing diseases and zoonosis, all in line with the principle of “ One Health”.

UEVH is a member of FVE
FVE is the European representative body for the veterinary profession in Europe. FVE’s mission is to enhance animal health, animal welfare, public health and the protection of the environment by promoting the veterinary profession.
The UEVH Board 2024-2026 consists of a President, a Secretary General, a Treasurer, two Vice-Presidents and a Senior Vice-President.

Jason Aldiss

Slaven Grbic
(Bosnia Herzegovina - R. Srpska)

Iris Fuchs

Marek St. Kubica

Secretary General
Ole Alvseike
The UEVH Network
Austrian National Veterinary Chamber - Österreichische Tierärztekammer
Hietzinger Kai 87 1130 Wien
Tel: +43 1 512 17 66
Fax: +43 1 512 14 70
Email: thomas.neudecker@gmx.at
Hrvatska Veterinarska Komora (HVK)
Heinzelova 55, 10000 Zagreb
Tel: 01 385-1-2441-068
Fax: 385-1-2441-068
Email: sasa.legen@bioinstitut.hr
Czech Republik
University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Palackého tř. 1946/1, 612 42 Brno-Královo Pole, Czechia
Tel: +420541561111
Email: steinhauserovai@vfu.cz
Eesti Loomaarstide Ühing (ELY) / Estonian Veterinary Chamber
Kreutzwaldi 62 51006, Tartu Estonia
Tel: +3725011882
Email: mati.roasto@emu.ee
Suomen Eläinlaäkäriliitto (SELL)
Aleksis Kiven katu 52-54 00510 Helsinki
Tel: +358 9 7745 4810
Email: katri.kiviniemi@fimnet.fi
L'Organisation Professionnelle des Vétérinaires Libéraux (SNVEL)
10, place Léon Blum – 75 011 Paris
Tel: 01 44 93 30 00
Geschäftsstelle Französische Str. 53 10117 Berlin
Tel: 030 - 201 43 38 - 0 030 - 201 43 38 - 88
Email: niederberger@btkberlin.de
Veterinary Ireland (VI)
8H96+F2 Nangor, County Dublin, Ireland
Tel: +353 (0)1 457 7976
Email: seanolaoide1@gmail.com
Latvijas Veterinararstu Biedriba (LBV)
Zemgales prospekts 9-6, Jelgava, LV-3001
Tel: (+371) 67288747
Email: gmicule@gmail.com
Association des Médecines Vétérinaires du Grand-Duché du Luxembourg (AMVL)
7B, rue Thomas Edison L - 1445 Strassen
Tel: (352) 247- 83526
Email: isabelle.paulus@asv.etat.lu
Koninklijke Nederlandse Maatschappij voor Diergeneeskunde (KNMvD)
De Molen 77, 3995 AW Houten, Netherlands
Tel: 0306348900
Email: d.m.eppink@gmail.com
Norwegian Meat and Poultry Research centre
Animalia AS - Postboks 396 - Økern, 0513 OSLO
Tel: +4791684143
Email: ole.alvseike@animalia.no
Krajowa Izba Lekarsko-Weterynaryjna (KIL-W)
al. Przyjaciół 1 lok. 2; 00–565 Warszawa
Tel: (+48 22) 628–93–35
Email: acibook@gmail.com
Sindicato Nacional dos Médicos Véterinàrios (SNMV)
Rua Filipe Folque, nº 10 J, 4º dto 1050-113 Lisboa
Tel: +351 (0)213 129 370
Email: omv@omv.pt
RS (BiH)
Veterinary Chamber of RS (BiH)
Carice Milice 46 - 78000 Banja Luka Republika Srpska
Tel: +387 51 466 321
Email: slaven.grbic@slavendoo.com
Consejo General de Colegios Veterinarios de España (CGCVE)
C/ Villanueva 11 - 28001 Madrid
Tel: +34 (0)9 1435 35 35
Email: alvaro@amateoscv.com
Sveriges Veterinärförbund (SVF)
Kungsholms Hamnplan 7 in Stockholm
Tel: +46-8-545 558 20
Email: cecilia.froberg@telia.com
Swiss Veterinary Association for Food Safety and Animal Health (TVL)
Schlachthofstrasse 55 4056 Basel/Schweiz
Tel: +41 61 267 58 34
Email: michel.laszlo@bs.ch
United Kingdom
Veterinary Public Health Association
1275 Century Way, Leeds LS15 8ZB, United Kingdom
Email: Jason.Aldiss@lumbhall.co.uk