FVE-AVMA-CVMA: the essential role of veterinarians in protecting animal, human, public, and environmental health – a global public good

2015 – The public has a strong appreciation for the important role of veterinarians in the United States and Europe who are engaged in clinical practice caring for the health and well-being of companion and farm/ranch animals. The myriad other roles veterinarians play in protecting and advancing human, public, and environmental health are less recognized by the public, yet are essential to the continued well-being of people and animals at the local, national, regional, and international levels.


Given the breadth and depth of veterinary medicine, the AVMA, FVE, and CVMA believe the profession is an essential component of One Health. Veterinarians are integral to missions at the human-animal-environment interface. Further, the veterinary profession is a global public good as defined by the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE). Because of these beliefs, the AVMA, FVE, and CVMA will actively promote all roles that veterinarians play through public outreach campaigns and advocacy at the national and international levels.

FVE-AVMA-CVMA: the essential role of veterinarians in protecting animal, human, public, and environmental health – a global public good