FVE position on food safety rules for checks on meat & shellfish – delegated & implementing acts

Veterinarians with their recognised and extensive knowledge and expertise in the fields of animal health/welfare and public health play a crucial role in controlling and defending the safety and quality of food. Official veterinarians represent a public good particularly on farm and in the slaughterhouse environment as they bring an added value to the whole society

In light of the several animal disease outbreaks in Europe (e.g. African swine fever, tuberculosis), food frauds (e.g. illegally treated animals) and the frequent occurrence of food or feed risks (e.g. Campylobacter, Salmonella), FVE calls upon the EU Institutions to not reduce the consumer protection and to consider the value of the veterinarian in the official controls for the European society.

FVE position on food safety rules for checks on meat & shellfish – delegated & implementing acts